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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

What this blog is all about

Okay, bear with me, this is my first blog. The idea for this blog is really an experiment in presenting information that is useful to Napoleonic military modellers. See, I grew up in country Australia in the 1980s. We were lucky to have power, we had to ring a telephone exchange down the road on our crank phone. But that was the world. But we did get our first computer in the early 1980s at my school, a TRS-80 or similar. And in the early 1990s I was introduced to the WWW. But in those early days I would look forward to our trips to Sydney or Brisbane where we could buy new models and I would sit for hours pawing over an Essex Miniatures or Minifigs catalog. Worse yet, we were still using a whole lot of oil based paints.

Anyway, I have opined the lack of online material available for modellers and thought, hey, I can do something about that. I have constructed, curated and edited numerous websites but they were generally static, old school, and, well, boring. I would like to see this blog grow over time and become a very useful resource for like minded individuals. So lets get to it! Feel free to comment and add corrections!


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